Bilingual Care for Families with Children Ages 0-5

Birth to Five Mental Health Services

You might be asking yourself... What is Birth to Five Mental Health? Do I need this? Does my child need this?

These services are also known by other names such as Infant Mental Health, Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health, and Infant-Parent Mental Health. No matter the name you use, the goal is promoting Healthy Development and Healthy Relationships by strengthening the Caregiver-Child Connection.

How can Birth to Five services help you and your child?

These services help strengthen the quality of the relationship between Caregiver, Child, and all-important family members supporting the family. Working with me will help Caregiver(s), understand the meaning underlying the Child's emotional and behavioral responses and help effectively meet and respond to the Child's needs.

You will notice improvements in their mood, behavior, and relationships, feeling more confident and empowered in your Parenting Skills.

Family Therapy

Clinical Therapy Services

Family Therapy for families with children Birth to Five years of age. Family/Invididual Therapy for older children and adolescents.
Parent Support Services.

Infant Massage LA

Infant Massage Sessions

For families who want to learn new ways to connect with their infant, understand their baby's cues and meet their needs, all while deepening and strengthening the parent-child relationship. Available for families with infants older than four weeks old and not yet crawling.

For Families with Newborns:
Ask about the NBO!

bilingual parenting group

Reflective Parenting Group

This 12-week group uses Reflective Practice to cover topics such as: Mindfulness, Temperament, Culture, Attachment, Responding to children’s emotions and distress, Importance of Play, Discipline, and Parent/Caregiver’s role in the relationship.

Reasons to Work with Dr. Evy:

  • Consultation, advocacy, support about your Child’s development (Regional Center)
  • Discuss behavioral and socio-emotional concerns
  • Understanding how to interpret and respond to your Child’s cues
  • Infant Massage
  • Overcoming Traumatic Experiences: General Neglect, Physical Abuse, Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Child Sexual Abuse, Prenatal Drug/Alcohol Exposure
  • Adjusting to Changes, such as: Divorce, Blended Families, Family Dynamics, Moving (Home/School), New Sibling, Grief/Loss of Loved One/Pet
  • Parenting/Caregiving: New Parent Support, Adoption, Foster Care, Reflective Parenting
  • Perinatal Mental Health for Carrying and Non-Carrying Parents/Caregivers
  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP) support
  • Children/Adolescents with Anxiety and Depression

"I have known Dr. Evelyn Espinoza, both personally and professionally for over 7 years and I have always known her to be an upmost professional. Dr. Espinoza takes her work seriously and client care is a top priority. Many of Dr. Espinoza’s clients have followed her for several years, entrusting their mental health care to her. She has been trained and certified in some of the most innovative and what is considered to be Best Practices treatment modalities for the Birth to Five population.

In addition, Dr. Espinoza has provided several trainings to other community mental health providers in regards to mental health assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for this very vulnerable population, imparting her knowledge to clinicians who are new to the mental health field. Dr. Espinoza is an esteemed colleague and professional who is held in high regard with other mental health professionals and her clients."

Lesli, LCSW Infant Mental Health Specialist

Los Angeles, CA

"La Dra. Espinoza es una terapeuta maravillosa. A través de su compasión y guía, he podido crecer como madre de mi hijo. Comenzamos nuestro viaje cuando mi hijo tenía 5 años. Nuestra relación es mucho más fluida gracias a las técnicas que aprendimos con la Dra. Espinoza.  Mi hijo y yo realmente hablamos. Hay menos lágrimas por él y menos sentimientos de fracaso por mi parte. Todavía continúo trabajando en mi crianza de mi hijo, y la Dra. Espinoza continúa proporcionándome un lugar seguro para crecer.

Mi hijo es capaz de regular e identificar más sus sentimientos. Trabajó uno a uno con ella en un proyecto en el que creó un frasco de atención plena (Mindfulness Jar), que le encanta usar para ayudar en esos días difíciles. No puedo imaginar no haber conocido a la Dra. Espinoza, su impacto en mi familia es inconmensurable. Cualquiera que esté buscando orientación, compasión y alguien que se preocupe tendría la suerte de tener a la Dra. Espinoza en su esquina. No puedo recomendarla lo suficiente. Simplemente un cambio de vida.

Jenny, Mama de Niño – 7 años

Lancaster, CA

"Relationships can be difficult. They can be more difficult when we haven’t addressed our own issues. Trying to manage our own triggers and traumas while trying to see someone else’s perspective can be overwhelming and full of friction. Dr. Espinoza has been a godsend in helping me figure out my feelings and understanding the underlying reasons behind them.

I have learned to advocate for myself, set boundaries and express what I mean in more constructive ways. She has been there to help me work through some of the darkest days when I could not see a solution and my emotions overwhelmed my thoughts. She has helped me reach clarity, when all was in a fog. Thank you, Dr. Espinoza, for helping me find my strength."

JM, Parent & Partner

Tehachapi, CA

"La Dra. Evy Espinoza me ha enseñado cómo no reaccionar ante ciertas situaciones con mis hijos. Ella me ha enseñado muy buenos métodos y estrategias con la crianza reflexiva.

En el pasado estábamos lidiando con escaladas y largos períodos de rabietas con nuestra hija de 4 años. Después de ser parte de las clases de crianza reflexivas, he utilizado las estrategias discutidas en clase con mi esposa. Ha sido un milagro cómo en un corto período de tiempo la cantidad de rabietas disminuyó. Ahora usamos las estrategias aprendidas con nuestros dos hijos y hemos visto una gran diferencia en su comportamiento.

Cuando estamos en público, comenzamos nuestro día hablando con nuestros hijos para comenzar el diálogo haciéndoles saber que debemos ser conscientes unos de otros y que los estamos escuchando. Les hacemos saber que estamos aquí juntos y si surge algo, son libres de expresar sus sentimientos con nosotros.

Estamos muy agradecidos de que la Dra. Espinoza nos haya dado estos recursos y herramientas. Siempre la recomendamos a nuestros amigos y familiares."

Iz, Papá – Niño pequeño y Niña preescolar

Los Angeles, CA

"Las relaciones pueden ser difíciles. Pueden ser más difíciles cuando no hemos abordado nuestros propios problemas. Tratar de manejar nuestros propios desencadenantes y traumas mientras tratamos de ver la perspectiva de otra persona puede ser abrumador y lleno de fricción.

La Dra. Espinoza ha sido una bendición al ayudarme a descubrir mis sentimientos y comprender las razones subyacentes detrás de ellos.  He aprendido a abogar por mí mismo, establecer límites y expresar lo que quiero decir de maneras más constructivas. Ella ha estado allí para ayudarme a superar algunos de los días más oscuros en los que no podía ver una solución y mis emociones abrumaban mis pensamientos. Ella me ha ayudado a alcanzar la claridad, cuando todo estaba en una niebla. Gracias, Dra. Espinoza, por ayudarme a encontrar mi fuerza."

JM, Madre y Pareja

Tehachapi, CA

"She’s the best! She is extremely helpful in consultations. She is my go-to Birth-to-Five expert. I can tell she is passionate about Birth-to-Five based on what she’s shared about her experiences with clients, and how parents want to keep working with her. I can tell she is a great therapist who is making a difference and really helping kids overcome their difficulties."

Dr. Miriam Gutierrez, Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

"Como madre primeriza, tratar de navegar a través de lo desconocido es aterrador, por decir lo menos. Escuchas lo importantes que son los primeros 5 años para el desarrollo de un niño, todo sobre los terribles 2 y 3, pero nada te prepara para cuando estás realmente en medio de todo. Los niños no vienen con manuales, pero la Dra. Espinoza es lo más parecido a tener uno.

Ella me ha guiado y ayudado a comprender cómo identificar lo que necesita mi hijo y cómo abordar con confianza una situación que de otro modo sería abrumadora. Ella me ha dado las herramientas que me están ayudando a construir una relación fuerte y saludable con mi hijo. Su compasión, paciencia, conocimiento y experiencia específica son las razones por las que mi hijo está prosperando. El Dr. Espinoza es un regalo del cielo absoluto."

Laura P, Mama de nene de 3 años

Encino, CA

"Dr. Espinoza, le agradezco mucho. Muchas gracias por ser súper comprensiva y por todo su apoyo. Tenerla como terapeuta es lo mejor que nos pudo pasar."

V, Madre de Niño ansioso de 7 años

Paramount, CA

"Dr. Espinoza is a wonderful therapist. Through her compassion and guidance, I have been able to grow as a mother to my son. We started our journey when my son was 5yrs old.

Our relationship is so much smoother thanks to the techniques we learned with Dr. Espinoza. My son and I actually communicate. There are less tears for him and less feelings of failure on my end. I still continue to work on my parenting, and Dr. Espinoza continues to provide a safe place for me to grow.

My son is able to regulate and identify his feelings more. He worked one on one with her on a project in which he created a mindfulness jar, which he loves to use to help on those tough days. I can’t imagine not ever having met Dr. Espinoza, her impact on my family is immeasurable. Anyone who is seeking guidance, compassion and someone who cares would be lucky to have Dr. Espinoza in their corner. I can’t recommend her enough. Simply a life changer."

Jenny, Mom to 7 Year Old Boy

Lancaster, CA

"As a first-time parent, trying to navigate through the unknown is petrifying, to say the least. You hear how important the first 5 years are to a child’s development, all about the terrible 2’s and 3’s but nothing prepares you for when you are actually in the thick of it. Children don’t come with manuals, but Dr. Espinoza is the closest thing to having one.

She has guided and helped me understand how to identify what my child needs, and how to confidently approach an otherwise overwhelming situation. She has given me the tools that are helping me build a strong and healthy relationship with my child. Her compassion, patience, knowledge and specific expertise are the reasons why my child is thriving. Dr. Espinoza is an absolute godsend."

Laura P., Mother to Three-Year-Old Toddler

Encino, CA

"Dr. Espinoza, I appreciate you so much. Thank you so much for being super supportive and understanding. Having you as a therapist was the best thing that could happen to us."

V, Mother of Anxious 7-year-old boy

Paramount, CA

"Dr. Espinoza has been an instrumental component to how we parent our children. She has helped us be the parents our children need and taught us how to be mindful in not transferring our stress and anxiety to them.

Dr. Espinoza was also of great support in addressing and validating our concerns with our son's speech. She not only provided us with information on who to contact for services, but was also there to help in advocate for our child.
We are extremely grateful for all the support and highly recommend her services."

Mommy of Two

Hyde Park, CA

"Dr. Evy Espinoza has taught me how not to react to certain situations with my kids. She has taught me really good methods and strategies with reflective parenting.

In the past we were dealing with escalations and long periods of tantrums with our 4-year-old. After being a part of the reflecting parenting classes, I have used the strategies discussed in class with my wife. It has been a miracle how in a short amount of time the amount of tantrums decreased. We now use the strategies learned with both of our kids and we have seen a big difference in their behavior.

When we are out in public, we start our day by talking to our children to begin the dialogue in letting them know that we are to be mindful of one another and that we are listening to them We let them know we are here together and if anything comes up, they are free to express their feelings with us. We are so grateful to be given these resources and tools by Dr. Espinoza. We always recommend her to our friends and family."

Iz, Daddy to a Toddler Boy & Preschool Girl

Los Angeles, CA

"La Dra. Espinoza ha sido un componente fundamental en la forma en que criamos a nuestros hijos. Ella nos ha ayudado a ser los padres que nuestros hijos necesitan y nos ha enseñado cómo ser conscientes de no transferirles nuestro estrés y ansiedad.

La Dra. Espinoza también fue de gran apoyo al abordar y validar nuestras preocupaciones con el discurso de nuestro hijo. Ella no solo nos proporcionó información sobre a quién contactar para obtener servicios, sino que también estuvo allí para ayudar a abogar por nuestro hijo.

Estamos extremadamente agradecidos por todo el apoyo y recomendamos encarecidamente sus servicios."

Mami de dos

Hyde Park, CA