Bilingual Care for Families with Children Ages 0-5 with Dr. Evy Espinoza

Los Angeles Pediatric Behavioral Health

Empowering positive and confident relationships between parents, caregivers & children.

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Fortaleciendo las relaciones positivas y seguras entre padres, cuidadores, y niños.

Dr. Evy Espinoza

Clinical Psychologist

Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist.

Hi, I'm Dr. Evy, a Latina, bilingual (English/Spanish) Clinical Psychologist living and practicing in Los Angeles. I have been providing culturally-centered, trauma-informed, and trauma-responsive Birth to Five Pediatric Behavioral Health Services in Los Angeles County for close to 20 years.

I specialize in providing services to different types of Caregivers: Birth Parents, Adoptive Parents, Adoptive Resource Parents (formerly known as Foster Parents), and Kinship/Relative/Nonrelative Extended Family members with Children between the ages of newborn and five years old.

I provide family therapy, parent sessions, consultations, infant massage, and Reflective Parenting Groups.

I am an advocate for families that are encountering barriers in accessing services for their Child. I help Caregivers in getting their questions answered and I link them to appropriate resources and services that are outside of mental health services.